Door Hanger Printing

Is your company marketing products and services in residential neighborhoods, if so you may have considered door hanger printing as an option. offers several different sizes and finishing options from a matte finish to a very shiny, UV finish. You can check out our details and pricing here.

Make it Compelling

As a residential homeowner you've seen many different attempts at door hanger marketing. Sales people will stick a business card in the crack of the door. When you open the door the card falls to the floor. This is certainly cheap marketing. Companies will stick a black and white flyer in the door handle. This is also a weak approach!

Door Hanger Printing

If you're going to use this style of marketing you need to make it compelling. Here's a few tips to ensure long term success:

  1. Use a door hanger that's printed in full colour. The cost of colour door hanger printing has come down considerably in the last 5 years. A well designed colour piece will out perform B&W every time.

  2. Create an eye catching headline. You have a couple seconds of seconds to catch their attention. A great headline will encourage them to read your door hanger instead of tossing it.

  3. Make an appealing offer. Consider the "Life Time Value" of your customer and make an enticing offer that turns them into a long term customer.

  4. Repetition is important when it comes to this type of marketing. You can't expect success with a single mailing. There are real estate agents in my neighbourhood marketing this way so regularly that I've memorized their name and company. Create a multi-month program and stick to it. Repetition will win you customers.

  5. Use good timing with your door hanger marketing. Your business may offer seasonal services. Drop your door hangers just prior to seasonal peaks and people will be looking for your services.

Call To Action

You can also incorporate simple features in the hanger that encourage your prospect to take an action. A perforated tear off offer at the bottom allows to keep your offer for later use. Small fridge magnets can be attached to the bottom so your prospect can take your offer and attach it to the fridge.

The type of paper or card stock you choose will also effect how your door hanger is perceived. There are very light weight card stocks with no shine that are available or heavy 16pt card stocks with a high gloss.  Using a heavier 16pt card stock does increase the price so you'll have to weigh the benefits of a heavier stock.

So you've got your compelling headline and awesome offer. Now for the design! We encourage you to use a graphic designer to create your door hanger.  This is an important step in creating a compelling door hanger. A great headline and offer won't be seen if it's executed using bad design techniques. A skilled graphic designer with make your offer leap off the hanger into the eyes of your prospect. Don't miss this important step!